5.7 Visualization

5.7.1 Features and annatation data

Several generic functions are available to visualize feature and annotation data:

Generic Classes Remarks
plot() featureGroups, featureGroupsComparison Scatter plot for retention and m/z values
plotInt() featureGroups Intensity profiles across analyses
plotChroms() featureGroups, components Plot extracted ion chromatograms (EICs)
plotSpectrum() MSPeakLists, formulas, compounds, components Plots (annotated) spectra
plotStructure() compounds Draws candidate structures
plotScores() formulas, compounds Barplot with candidate scoring
plotGraph() componentsNT Draws interactive graphs of linked homologous series

The most common plotting functions are plotChroms(), which plots chromatographic data for features, and plotSpectrum(), which will plot (annotated) spectra. An overview of their most important function arguments are shown below.

Argument Generic Remarks
retMin plotChroms() If TRUE plot retention times in minutes
EICParams plotChroms() Advanced parameters to control the creation of extracted ion chromatograms (described below)
showPeakArea, showFGroupRect plotChroms() Fill peak areas / draw rectangles around feature groups?
title plotChroms(), plotSpectrum() Override plot title
colourBy plotChroms() Colour individual feature groups ("fGroups") or replicate groups ("rGroups"). By default nothing is coloured ("none")
showLegend plotChroms() Display a legend? (only if colourBy!="none")
xlim, ylim plotChroms(), plotSpectrum() Override x/y axis ranges, i.e. to manually set plotting range.
groupName, analysis, precursor, index plotSpectrum() What to plot. See examples below.
MSLevel plotSpectrum() Whether to plot an MS or MS/MS spectrum (only MSPeakLists)
formulas plotSpectrum() Whether formula annotations should be added (only compounds)
plotStruct plotSpectrum() Whether the structure should be added to the plot (only compounds)
mincex plotSpectrum() Minimum annotation font size (only formulas/compounds)

Note that we can use subsetting to select which feature data we want to plot, e.g.

plotChroms(fGroups[1:2]) # only plot EICs from first and second analyses.
#> Verifying if your data is centroided... Done!

plotChroms(fGroups[, 1]) # only plot all features of first group
#> Verifying if your data is centroided... Done!

The plotStructure() function will draw a chemical structure for a compound candidate. In addition, this function can draw the maximum common substructure (MCS) of multiple candidates in order to assess common structural features.

# structure for first candidate
plotStructure(compounds, index = 1, groupName = "M120_R268_30")
# MCS for first three candidates
plotStructure(compounds, index = 1:3, groupName = "M120_R268_30")

Some other common and less common plotting operations are shown below.

plot(fGroups) # simple scatter plot of retention and m/z values

plotChroms(fGroups) # plot EICs for all features
#> Verifying if your data is centroided... Done!

plotChroms(fGroups[, 1], # only plot all features of first group
           colourBy = "rGroup") # and mark them individually per replicate group
#> Verifying if your data is centroided... Done!

plotChroms(components, index = 7, fGroups = fGroups) # EICs from a component
#> Verifying if your data is centroided... Done!

plotSpectrum(mslists, "M120_R268_30") # non-annotated MS spectrum

plotSpectrum(mslists, "M120_R268_30", MSLevel = 2) # non-annotated MS/MS spectrum

# formula annotated spectrum
plotSpectrum(formulas, index = 1, groupName = "M120_R268_30",
             MSPeakLists = mslists)

# compound annotated spectrum, with added formula annotations
plotSpectrum(compounds, index = 1, groupName = "M120_R268_30", MSPeakLists = mslists,
             formulas = formulas, plotStruct = TRUE)

# custom intensity range (e.g. to zoom in)
plotSpectrum(compounds, index = 1, groupName = "M120_R268_30", MSPeakLists = mslists,
             ylim = c(0, 5000), plotStruct = FALSE)

plotSpectrum(components, index = 7) # component spectrum

# Inspect homologous series
plotGraph(componNT) Extracted Ion Chromatogram parameters

The EICParams argument to plotChroms() is used to specify more advanced parameters for the creation of extracted ion chromatograms (EICs). Some parameters of interest:

Parameter Description
rtWindow Expands the EIC retention time range +/- the feature peak width (in seconds). This is e.g. useful to zoom out.
topMost Only consider this amount of highest intensity features in a group.
topMostByRGroup If TRUE then the topMost parameter concerns the top most intense features in a replicate group (e.g. topMost=1 would draw the most intense feature for each replicate group).
onlyPresent Only create EICs for analyses where a feature was detected? Setting to FALSE is useful to inspect if a feature was ‘missed’.

The parameters are configured by giving a named list to the EICParams argument. To obtain such a list with default settings, the getDefEICParams() function can be used:

#> $rtWindow
#> [1] 30
#> $topMost
#> $topMostByRGroup
#> [1] FALSE
#> $onlyPresent
#> [1] TRUE
#> $mzExpWindow
#> [1] 0.001
#> $setsAdductPos
#> [1] "[M+H]+"
#> $setsAdductNeg
#> [1] "[M-H]-"

Any arguments specified to this function will alter the values of the returned parameter list. Some examples:

# investigate if any features were not detected in a feature group
plotChroms(fGroups[, 10], EICParams = getDefEICParams(onlyPresent = FALSE))
#> Verifying if your data is centroided... Done!

# get overview of all feature groups
           colourBy = "fGroup", # unique colour for each group
           EICParams = getDefEICParams(topMost = 1), # only most intense feature in each group
           showPeakArea = TRUE, # show integrated areas
           showFGroupRect = FALSE,
           showLegend = FALSE) # no legend (too busy for many feature groups)
#> Verifying if your data is centroided... Done!

The reference manual (?EICParams) gives a full detail on all parameters.

5.7.2 Overlapping and unique data

There are three functions that can be used to visualize overlap and uniqueness between data:

Generic Classes
plotVenn featureGroups, featureGroupsComparison, formulas, compounds
plotUpSet featureGroups, featureGroupsComparison, formulas, compounds
plotChord featureGroups, featureGroupsComparison

The most simple comparison plot is a Venn diagram (i.e. plotVenn()). This function is especially useful for two or three-way comparisons. More complex comparisons are better visualized with UpSet diagrams (i.e. plotUpSet()). Finally, chord diagrams (i.e. plotChord()) provide visually pleasing diagrams to assess overlap between data.

These functions can either be used to compare feature data or different objects of the same type. The former is typically used to compare overlap or uniqueness between features in different replicate groups, whereas comparison between objects is useful to visualize differences in algorithmic output. Besides visualization, note that both operations can also be performed to modify or combine objects (see unique and overlapping features and algorithm consensus).

As usual, some examples are shown below.

plotUpSet(fGroups) # compare replicate groups

plotVenn(fGroups, which = c("repl1", "repl2")) # compare some replicate groups

plotChord(fGroups, average = TRUE) # overlap between replicate groups

# compare with custom made groups
plotChord(fGroups, average = TRUE,
          outer = c(repl1 = "grp1", repl2 = "grp1", repl3 = "grp2", repl4 = "grp3"))

# compare GenForm and SIRIUS results
plotVenn(formsGF, formsSIR,
         labels = c("GF", "SIR")) # manual labeling

5.7.3 MS similarity

The plotSpectrum function is also useful to visually compare (annotated) spectra. This works for MSPeakLists, formulas and compounds object data.

plotSpectrum(mslists, groupName = c("M120_R268_30", "M137_R249_53"), MSLevel = 2)

plotSpectrum(compounds, groupName = c("M120_R268_30", "M146_R309_68"), index = c(1, 1),
             MSPeakLists = mslists)

The specSimParams argument, which was discussed in MS similarity, can be used to configure the similarity calculation:

plotSpectrum(mslists, groupName = c("M120_R268_30", "M137_R249_53"), MSLevel = 2,
             specSimParams = getDefSpecSimParams(shift = "both"))

5.7.4 Hierarchical clustering results

In patRoon hierarchical clustering is used for some componentization algorithms and to cluster candidate compounds with similar chemical structure (see compound clustering). The functions below can be used to visualize their results.

Generic Classes Remarks
plot() All Plots a dendrogram
plotInt() componentsIntClust Plots normalized intensity profiles in a cluster
plotHeatMap() componentsIntClust Plots an heatmap
plotSilhouettes() componentsClust Plot silhouette information to determine the cluster amount
plotStructure() compoundsCluster Plots the maximum common substructure (MCS) of a cluster
plot(componInt) # dendrogram

plot(compsClust, groupName = "M120_R268_30") # dendrogram for clustered compounds

plotInt(componInt, index = 4) # intensities of 4th cluster

plotHeatMap(componInt) # plot heatmap

plotHeatMap(componInt, interactive = TRUE) # interactive heatmap (with zoom-in!)
plotSilhouettes(componInt, 5:20) # plot silhouettes (e.g. to obtain ideal cluster amount)

5.7.5 Generating EICs in DataAnalysis

If you have Bruker data and the DataAnalysis software installed, you can automatically add EIC data in a DataAnalysis session. The addDAEIC() will do this for a single m/z in one analysis, whereas the addAllDAEICs() function adds EICs for all features in a featureGroups object.

# add a single EIC with background subtraction
addDAEIC("mysample", "~/path/to/sample", mz = 120.1234, bgsubtr = TRUE)
# add TIC for MS/MS signal of precursor 120.1234 (value of mz is ignored for TICs)
addDAEIC("mysample", "~/path/to/sample", mz = 100, ctype = "TIC",
         mtype = "MSMS", fragpath = "120.1234", name = "MSMS 120")

addAllDAEICs(fGroups) # add EICs for all features
addAllDAEICs(fGroups[, 1:50]) # as usual, subsetting can be used for partial data