8.1 Adducts

When generating formulae and compound annotations and some other functionalities it is required to specify the adduct species. Behind the scenes, different algorithms typically use different formats. For instance, in order to specify a protonated species…

  • GenForm either accepts "M+H" and "+H"
  • MetFrag either accepts the numeric code 1 or "[M+H]+"
  • SIRIUS accepts "[M+H]+"

In addition, most algorithms only accept a limited set of possible adducts, which do not necessarily all overlap with each other. The GenFormAdducts() and MetFragAdducts() functions list the possible adducts for GenForm and MetFrag, respectively.

In order to simplify the situation patRoon internally uses its own format and converts it automatically to the algorithm specific format when necessary. Furthermore, during conversion it checks if the specified adduct format is actually allowed by the algorithm. Adducts in patRoon are stored in the adduct S4 class. Objects from this class specify which elements are added and/or subtracted, the final charge and the number of molecules present in the adduct (e.g. 2 for a dimer).

adduct(add = "H") # [M+H]+
adduct(sub = "H", charge = -1) # [M-H]-
adduct(add = "K", sub = "H2", charge = -1) # [M+K-H2]-
adduct(add = "H3", charge = 3) # [M+H3]3+
adduct(add = "H", molMult = 2) # [2M+H]+

A more easy way to generate adduct objects is by using the as.adduct() function:

as.adduct("+H", format = "genform")
as.adduct(1, isPositive = TRUE, format = "metfrag")

In fact, the adduct argument to workflow functions such as generateFormulas() and generateCompounds() is automatically converted to an adduct class with the as.adduct() function if necessary:

formulas <- generateFormulas(..., adduct = adduct(sub = "H", charge = -1))
formulas <- generateFormulas(..., adduct = "[M-H]-") # same as above

More details can be found in the reference manual (?adduct and ?`adduct-utils`).