Imports a 'profiles' produced by enviMass.

importFeatureGroupsEnviMass(path, feat, positive)



The path of the enviMass project.


The features object obtained with importFeaturesEnviMass.


Whether data from positive (TRUE) or negative (FALSE) should be loaded.


An object of a class which is derived from featureGroups.

The featuresSet method (for sets workflows) returns a

featureGroupsSet object.


This function imports data from enviMass. This function is called when calling importFeatureGroups with type="envimass".

This function only imports 'raw' profiles, not any results from further componentization steps performed in enviMass. Furthermore, this functionality has only been tested with older versions of enviMass. Finally, please note that this function only supports features imported by importFeaturesEnviMass (obviously, the same project should be used for both importing functions).

See also

importFeatureGroups for more details and other algorithms.